
crisis support 
If you need urgent support, these contacts may help:


 24-hours, telephone counselling, Australia-wide

 13 11 14    
 NSW Rape Crisis Centre

 24-hours, rape counselling & referral, NSW only

 1800 424 017
 Kids Helpline

 24-hours, for young people 5-25yrs. Australia-wide

 1800 551 800
 Domestic Violence Helpline  24-hours, domestic violence help, Australia-wide  1800 200 526
 Mensline  24-hours, supporting men & their families, Australia  1300 78 99 78
 VVCS  24-hours, Vietnam Veterans' & Family Counselling  1800 011 046
 Gambling Help  24-hours, help with gambling problems, NSW only  1800 858 858
 Victims Support Line  24-hours, for victims of crime, NSW only

 (02) 8688 5400 or 
 1800 633 063

 GLBT Counselling & Infoline

 Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual & Transexual counselling
 5:30pm-10:30pm (EST), Australia-wide

 (02) 8594 9596 or
 1800 184 527






other useful resources

 Beyond Blue  the national depression initiative  1300 22 4636
 Multicultural Mental Health

 culturally & linguistically diverse information

 (02) 9840 3333
 Black Dog Institute (NSW)  information on depression and bipolar disorder  (02) 9382 4530
 Suicide Prevention Australia  suicide prevention information & resources  (02) 9568 3111
 Reach Out!  online info & support service for people 16-25  -
 Headspace  national youth mental health foundation  (03) 8346 8213
 SANE Australia  mental health symptoms, treatments, medications  1800 187 263
 GriefLink  resources on death-related grief  (02) 6882 9222
 A Friend's Place  national centre for childhood grief  1300 654 556
 Cancer Council Helpline  information on any aspect of cancer  13 11 20
 Australian Drug Info Network  alcohol & drug rehabilitation services  -  mindfulness techniques  -
 Mood Gym  a free self-help cognitive behavioural therapy program  -
 Gambling Hangover  online help & free resources for gambling problems  -
 Lifeline Service Finder  search for your local support services  -







If you'd like to talk about how counselling and psychotherapy can help, contact me.


The Mindful Way through DepressionThe Mindful Way through Depression: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness
by Mark Williams, John Teasdale, Zindel Segal and Jon Kabat-Zinn
'For depression sufferers, this is a truly useful guide to achieving emotional balance' –Daniel Goleman, PhD
Includes a companion CD of meditations
ISBN: 9781593851286


The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for AnxietyThe Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety: A Guide to Breaking Free from Anxiety, Phobias, and Worry Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
by John P. Forsyth and Georg H. Eifert
'No matter what kind of anxiety problem you're struggling with, this workbook can guide you toward a more vibrant and purposeful life. Includes a CD with bonus worksheets, self-assessments, and guided mindfulness meditations'. 
ISBN: 9781572244993

Staring at the SunStaring at the Sun: Overcoming the Dread of Death
by Irvin D. Yalom
'...a profoundly encouraging approach to the universal issue of mortality...techniques for dealing with the most prevalent kinds of fears of death...'
ISBN: 9781921215667

You Can Go Home AgainYou Can Go Home Again: Reconnecting with Your Family
by Monica McGoldrick
'...a rich source of hope, information, and insight that will teach readers to reconnect with our past and invent a new future' - Harriet Lerner, PhD.
ISBN: 9780393316506

Family Ties That BindFamily Ties That Bind: A Self-Help Guide to Change Through Family of Origin Therapy 
by Ronald Richardson
'This easy-to-read, practical book explains how families function and what you can do to change the way you act in your family and with other people. Exercises show how to apply the principles to your own situation and develop a more positive approach to all aspects of your life.'
ISBN: 9781551802381  

Change Your ThinkingChange Your Thinking: Positive and Practical Ways to Overcome Stress, Negative Emotions and Self-defeating Behaviour Using CBT
by Sarah Edelman, PhD
A best-selling practical guide to using cognitive behavioural therapy to find more positive ways of dealing with negative thoughts and emotions.
ISBN: 0733318320

Living When a Loved One has DiedLiving When a Loved One Has Died
by Earl A. Grollman
'This gentle, reassuring book explains the bewildering feelings that arise after a loved one's death and helps you honestly confront your loss.'
ISBN: 9780807027196

The Red TreeThe Red Tree
by Shaun Tan
"Sometimes the day begins with nothing to look forward to . . . darkness overwhelms you / nobody understands."
This incredible picture book uses spare words and extraordinary collages to articulate the hopelessness, anxiety and fear which can accompany depression. For readers of all ages.
ISBN: 0968876838


counselling & psychotherapy resources
Counsellors and Psychotherapists Association of NSW (CAPA)
Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA)


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© One Life Counselling & Psychotherapy and Gabrielle Gawne-Kelnar 2010
Gabrielle Gawne-Kelnar is a Sydney counsellor and psychotherapist, 
offering counselling and psychotherapy in Glebe, Sydney

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